St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
The mission of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Word and Sacrament, strengthen people in their faith through worship and education, and proclaim God's love to the unchurched.
Worship With Us
Pastor, Rev. Christopher Frye
Preacher, Rev. Robert McEllroy, III
Sunday Worship 10AM
Communion is Celebrated Every Sunday
Give to St. Paul
You can drop your offering in the plate when you enter the sanctuary, or use our convenient online giving option using the button below.
Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace so certain that you could stake your life on it one thousand times.
St. Paul Food Pantry
Serving Brownsville, Fayetteville, North Mont Alto and South Mountain
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church Operates a food pantry in partnership with the South Central Community Action Programs (SCCAP). Our food pantry serves households that qualify for this government program. Proof of residency (a utility bill will do) and personal identification, is required at your first visit and you will have to meet income limits for your household size. A typical market basket of food is issued once a month to qualifying Pantry clients. The food pantry is managed by St. Paul members but receives considerable volunteer labor and financial support from Fayetteville and surrounding communities.
Hours of Operation
2nd and 3rd Thursday of every month
12 PM – 2:00 PM
Available to Anyone Who Needs it With No Eligibility Requirements
In addition to the government-sponsored food pantry, St. Paul also operates a small emergency food pantry stocked with nonperishable foods in a small cabinet in front of our Outreach Center along Main Street. This pantry is entirely financed and stocked through local donations.